AEG Hammer Drill Launch Campaign
Campaign Concept, Headline and Visuals

Alternative concepts

“It’s not hard”

For the launch of the new 18V Brushless Rotary Hammer Drill, I was asked by BWP to come up with a concept for it’s Launch campaign. The concept needed to appeal to tradesmen, and highlight the features of the new product.

I came up with the campaign concept and line ‘Brick. It’s not hard.’ and ‘Concrete. It’s not hard.’ The simple message played on the function of the drill, while allowing flexibility of changing the line to apply to different surfaces. All of course, which are hard to get through. Essentially, the campaign communicated the message that the innovative 3-Point Anti-VibeTechnology provides greater user comfort and protection, by making it easy to get through any surface.

The simple concept was straight to the point, easy to interpret and flexible enough to change for different applications to add a point of interest.



Lead Design, Concept, Campaign Design, Visualisation, Campaign Headline Copy



The Diwali Ducks, Concept, Illustration and Educational Content Creation